Sunday, April 10, 2011

In Like a Lion

This is severe weather awareness month and we had our first severe weather event of the spring last night.  We had 41mph winds with some rain.  The strongest winds and lightning was at about 10PM.  In the dark we wouldn't know the extend of any damage until the sun came up the next morning.  It was an uneasy sleep wondering how everything was holding together and really wondering how the newest eggmobile would handle the winds.  When we woke up this morning I looked out the window and saw that both eggmobiles were still standing down at the south edge of the pasture.  I think the wind was in our favor since it was blowing from the SE and wasn't blowing directly against the tall side of the eggmobiles.  We had no real damage other than a chunk of shingles blown off the peak of the house roof, but that's more of a minor inconvenience and is easily remedied.  All in all we were unscathed by the first spring weather event of 2011.


  1. I'm so happy to hear you were not more than inconvenienced! That was a night that could have gone wrong on so many levels it's frightening to think about.

    A lightening bolt struck down in our backyard and traveled in through the power lines - all we lost was the modem and the router. $250 later we were good to roll - which is really cheap in comparison to the neighbor's in back of us whose house started on fire and I am not even sure they are backing living there yet.

  2. Wow. I didn't know that there was a house fire caused by the storm. I had heard about the grass fire in Milford, but didn't hear about the house.
