Thursday, November 15, 2012

High Tunnel Officially Open

Auto-roll-up side controller. Shows temp of 82.2F

Rye looks good.
The high tunnel is officially up and running.  Okay, its been up and running for a little while, but the rye that was planted inside has finally made it up high enough that pictures can show that the high tunnel is doing its job of keeping things warm enough to grow plants.  Today it was 82F and 93% humidity in the high tunnel when I went out this morning.  For sure, the night time temps are only about 10 degrees inside the high tunnel above the outside temps, so this is no green house, but with the daytime temps going into the 80's our lettuces, radish and peas have already sprouted.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wendell Williams

Our neighbor and friend Wendell Williams pass away yesterday.  He will be missed by many, and very, very missed by our family. Wendell was someone who was often the first to know about our next "great" farm plan, and yet as unconventional and probably crazy as our plans may have seemed to him, he was always supportive and seemed to enjoy the uniqueness of our plans. He did our custom planting and harvesting, and could be counted on to have a solution to the crazy conditions and timing that made even us cringe.  Green alfalfa in the beans at harvest? Not a problem, he just said he took a nice cutting of hay with the beans. Small and misshaped fields? That was okay too - he made it workout. We really enjoyed his visits and I will forever remember and miss the sound of the kids yelling "Wendell's here!" whenever he stopped by.  I enjoyed working with him and knowing him. He was a good man and our family was very blessed to have known him.